Sex, Soup, and Two Fisted Eating

Sex, Soup, and Two Fisted Eating is all about creating healthy habits to lose weight and making it fun.

Sex stands for Sleep and EXerciseIt's a book cartoon

Soup is a combination of water and vegetables and reminds us to consume plenty of both

Two Fisted Eating is portion control because your stomach is about the size of your two fists.

Feel free to browse through the Archives on the right or look up a topic by Category, like Soup or Cartoons. If you don’t have time or patience to click through blog archives, check out my BOOKS by clicking on the covers on the right.

There’s more to explore at the top of the page like Recipes and Diabetes Type Two information.

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march 2012 004

Me in 2012

My name is Katie Robles and I am living proof that women who love brownies and hate to sweat can lose weight and get healthy.

After a decade of ignoring my increasing weight and a few half-hearted attempts at weight loss in between pregnancies, I finally decided it was “now or never” in 2012.   I knew the basic formula of More Exercise + Less Food = Weight Loss, but I wanted to lose weight in a way that I could maintain long term and I wanted to have fun in the process.  Why can’t weight loss be fun?

The plan I came up with was “Sex, Soup, and Two Fisted Eating”.


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